It is a well-established observation that individuals suffering from gender dysphoria (GD) demonstrate an increased prevalence of mental health issues when compared to the general population (1). One theory that explains the link between GD and mental illness is the minority stress model (2,3). Gender-non-conforming and GD youth experience elevated rates of victimization, discrimination, and prejudice. According to the minority stress theory, these adverse experiences are the primary cause of the poorer mental health status of GD individuals.
There are two issues which contradict the minority stress theory. First, evidence shows that mental health issues often precede the onset of gender identity concerns (4-6). Second, long-term studies have not been able to demonstrate lasting mental health benefits of “gender-affirmative” (hormonal and surgical) interventions (7-9). These findings do not support the argument that minority stress is the primary reason for the high co-occurrence of GD and other psychiatric disorders.
An alternative explanatory model for the co-occurrence of GD and other forms of distress and mental illness is that both arise as a result of a complex interplay of biological, relational, and cultural factors (10-14). A new study, led by an Australian team of researchers, investigated one aspect of this complex relationship: early relational experiences. The researchers examined childhood attachment patterns and unresolved trauma/loss in GD youth, comparing them to age- and sex-matched youth with other psychiatric disorders but no GD, as well as to healthy controls (15).
The study found that young people with GD had childhoods characterized by at-risk attachment patterns to caregivers and high rates of unresolved trauma/loss. Further, when the study compared GD youth to the youth referred for other psychiatric disorders but not GD, both groups showed similarly high rates of unresolved trauma/loss and at-risk attachment patterns. In contrast, healthy controls had normative (low risk) attachment patterns and low rates of unresolved childhood trauma or loss.
It is SEGM's view that while the adverse effects of prejudice and discrimination experienced by GD youth are not debatable, the results of this study challenge the role of minority stress as the primary explanatory model for the high rates of mental illness in youth with GD. Instead, the findings suggest that adverse childhood histories and poor attachments may predispose a young person to the onset of GD as well as other psychiatric illness and symptoms of distress. This in turn further challenges the notion that “gender affirmation” (social and medical) is the appropriate first-line treatment for GD youth (22). The study findings make a strong case for a more nuanced and in-depth exploration of children and adolescents’ clinical presentations of GD, with the goal of identifying treatment pathways that prioritize long-term health outcomes.
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